Sunday, February 5, 2012

Why do we stereotype?

What are the average stereotypes Americans think when he or she sees an African- American? What usually comes to mind is that the person is dishonest, dumb, lazy, and ignorant.These stereotypes have evolved within American culture dating back to our original settlement, particularly after slavery,and,ever since then have not stopped. Although these are just stereotypes a person may use to describe an African American, these stereotypes are consistently used in films to portray African-Americans. Even though these stereotypes sometimes may or may not be accurate, many people like to judge a whole race based on one action,and because of this African-Americans are unfairly and unjustly treated. Many films and other types of media have been showing African Americans as second-class citizens. As a result, many Americans have forgotten who African-Americans really are.
Both professors and writers, Robert Entman and Andrew Rojecki's talk about the statistics of race in the media in their book The Black Image in the White Mind. According to the Entman-Rojecki Index of Race and Media, 89% of Black female movie characters are shown using vulgar language, while only 17% of White woman are. Black women are shown as being violent in movies 56% of the time compared to the 11% of white women. It is not fair that African Americans be treated so unjustly. All types of people use vulgar language, but because they are African American and have been picked on in our American culture they are portrayed as an inferior race. The Entman-Rojecki Index of Race and Media also shows that the most serious crimes including rape, homicide, robbery, and assault are only committed by a small percentage of African-Americans in inner cities, but despite statistics people still have their natural tendencies to characterize all African-American males as thugs.
People portray African Americans in these roles because it is present in our news.Even though there may be crimes that white people have committed somehow the ones involving black people is always higher in demand. What has society taught us to become? By showing television and movie viewers these images, it seems as if the media is trying to keep America racist. 

Hill, Robert. "Black Men in the Media." 23 Nov. 2011. Web. 15 Feb. 2012.  
McCalla, Casey. "Black People Receive 60% Longer Sentences For Same Crimes."News ONE For  
     Black America. 08 Feb. 2012. Web. 15 Feb. 2012. <                     

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree in what you have presented.I have seen and whiteness movie's where African Americans have been portrayed as criminals, using a high amount of profanity and low class citizens. I just think Americas culture is just so used to this stereotypes by seeing on the news that a African Americans has committed a murdered, robbery or assault.This is wrong and should be a change in this. It is always as if they want every American(white person)to be portrayed as good people,and every African Americans also Latinos as criminals, low class people.
