Entertainment media says a lot to their viewers about who counts
in society. The portrayals of minority characters in entertainment media affect
the ways children see themselves and others. The video game industry seems to
have contained a high rate of racism according to the article, “Violence, Gender and Race in Video Games”.
It found that 79 percent of African-American males were shown
as verbally and physically aggressive compared to only 37 percent who were
white males. While most protagonists were white males nearly nine out of ten African-American females were victims of
violence, which was twice the rate of white females. With children playing so
many video games their minds have been taught to prejudge people based on their
skin color.
According to “A Different
World: Children’s Perceptions of Race and Class in Media” research found
that children associate white characters with having lots of money, being well
educated, and being a leader. On the contrary they associate African American
characters with breaking the law, having a hard time financially, and being
African American youth are
bombarded with negative images of their race. It may have an impact on their
development and their overall sense of who they are or who they can become.
This can prove to be difficult because they find that the world around them has
already defined them by the color of their skin. They African American youth
struggle to define what it means to be black in spite of the stereotypes which
are seen around them.
Glaubke, Christina R. "Media Impacts Children's Self-Image & How They See Others."Children Now.
2011. Web. 15 Feb. 2012.
Lake Sosin Snell Perry and Associates. "A Different World: Children's Perceptions of Race and Class in
Media | Report." Media Awareness Network. 2010. Web. 15 Feb. 2012. <http://www.media-
I think that the media has an impact in a child’s view of society. The media influences a lot of violence and racial actions. Many children have no idea what violence is or what a racial comment can be. Children usually think everything is right and nothing is wrong if their parents don't acknowledge it but when they see TV shows or movies that involve violence they see it and think that it's ok and start doing what they see on TV.