Thursday, February 16, 2012

He's done it again?:!

Most TV shows that claim to be reality shows are in fact staged and fake "...reality producers and editors have a lot of control over what happens on the show, just by the sheer fact that they've put the people together in certain situations, and they're controlling what footage gets aired and what doesn't". Bait Car a "Reality" TV show questions many viewers if the show is fake or not. Bait Car is about a vehicle that is left unattended for a suspect to get in the car and believe they have taken away the car without any punishments. The vehicle has hidden cameras equipped inside that helps officers track down the car and capture the suspect.

After watching a few episodes of Bait Car, a pattern was brought upon these episoded. The people getting into the vehicle were almost all African American. In these shows, you rarely see any well dressed people getting into these vehicles. You see thugs using slang words, that could be referred as "ghetto-talk", and a large use of profanity. You don’t see the vehicles being left in a higher class neighborhood.

In the scene above, the African American male gets in the unattended car. This car is left in a low-class neighborhood. The male drives away with the car. The announcer of the TV program says “this person knows a thing or two about stealing cars”, as if he were accusing him for something he has done before because he stole the car. The cops, having control of the car, lock it, and the male gets away.

It is known that black people commit crimes and steal. These shows are only making black people look worse. The TV show conveys to the audience that they are criminals. A letter was sent to the producers of Bait Car saying, “We are concerned with the stereotypes that are perpetuated by continually portraying these episodes” Many other people even noticed it and think it affects the public. 

Roberts, Chris. "'Bait Car' Jurors Blast On-Camera Sting In Letter." The SF Weekly
. Web. 16 Feb. 2012.

"HowStuffWorks "Reality Show Structure"" HowStuffWorks "Electronics" Web.
    16 Feb. 2012.

1 comment:

  1. wow this really questioned me because it looks real. but if it was not real, then overall i think this is completely racist. i mean they are literally showing a Black Male committing a crime in public TV. What else do the media want to do to show that African American are beyond the worst people.
